We have all heard of the flat earth theory at least once in our lives. Maybe even wondered ourselves if the earth is flat or not… Well, today let’s talk about that and understand the mystery ourselves…
It’s really easy to understand that the earth is round because there are so many ways to prove it…

For example, we can look at a boat on the horizon and we will see the bottom will be the first thing to disappear, which proves that the earth is round… or even if we look at the moon, you will see that during a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the earth on the moon is curved. This can only happen if the earth is round. In the 3rd century BC, Eratosthenes measured the differences between shadows cast by poles in Syene and Alexandria to calculate, more than 2000 years before rockets and space travel, the circumference of the entire globular Earth, with, for the time, impressive accuracy. Not only that, we also have photographic evidence of earth being round…
But then why are there so many people that believe that the earth is round…

Let’s start in 1906, Wilbur Glenn Voliva became head of a slightly bizarre religious sect that pretty much ran the city of Zion, Illinois. Voliva believed that the Earth was actually flat and he enforced flat Earth’s teachings in schools in Zion. He also enforced that belief on really anyone who entered the city. Voliva believed not only that the Earth was flat, but that the sun was only a few thousand miles away from Earth. Not 93 million. He also believed that the sun was only 32 miles across, not 860,000.
It might sound funny but you see, the same phenomenon Eratosthenes measured could be explained by a flat Earth, if the sun were only a few thousand miles away and 32 miles across – the math would work out the same. Today, with the power of the Internet, modern-day flat Earthers have picked up where Voliva left off. They have quite good explanations for any evidence you throw at them that the Earth is round. Circumnavigation is really just a flat circular path. The round shadow Earth casts on the Moon during a lunar eclipse could also be made by a flat disc.

As for all of the photos and video evidence we now have that the Earth is round, thanks to space exploration, well, all of that material is completely fabricated. A hoax, perpetrated by Big Globe. Space agencies, airlines, globe manufacturers. They are reaping the rewards of our ignorant belief that the Earth is actually round.
These things are of course just some excuses made up on the spot and it’s not a true scientific explanation because all of these theories only address one issue and don’t fit all the evidence. Science, of course, rejects a theory if a better one fits more of our observations.
But can it be true? Can Earth be flat… To be honest, it actually can and not only with this made-up theory but with actual science we can prove that Earth is flat… Though it might be misleading to say it’s flat, it’s more actually you can make it seem like it’s flat…

A cosmic ray particle could use the very same scientific method we use and conclude that the Earth was, in fact, flat. You see, at speeds near the speeds of light, time slows down and lengths contract. One way we know this is that unstable muons, created in the upper atmosphere by the collision of cosmic rays with the atmosphere, should mostly decay before reaching Earth’s surface. But yet, we detect a lot of them down here because their crazy fast speed literally means that, from our perspective, their physics runs according to a slower clock; and to them, the distance they have to cover to the surface during their short lives is, from their perspective, much much shorter than it appears to us. If you’re a cosmic ray proton traveling at 99.9999999999991% the speed of light, Earth would appear to be only 17 meters thick in the direction you travel. So Earth is flat to them, but round to us.
So if we were traveling at near the speed of light we could see a flat earth but other than that, Earth is surely round and we can accept that.