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TIme and space is a unknown thing

The Intricacies of Time: Unraveling the Enigma

Lexicographers will tell you that “time” is the most used noun in the English language. It’s woven into our daily conversations, yet its nature remains a profound mystery. We use time effortlessly: “Meet me at 7 p.m.” is a common phrase that sparks no confusion. Time labels events in the universe, helping us differentiate between moments. The challenge arises when we explore the properties of time—past, present, future, and the distinct way we experience them. The Essence of Time Time, as a concept, is simple. It’s a label for different events, marking one moment from another. However, the intriguing puzzles surface when we question time’s properties. We experience the past,

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How Big is the Universe we embark on an epic quest—a quest to grasp the true scale of our universe.

How Big is the Universe?

Earth, our home planet, is a tiny blue dot floating in the immense cosmic ocean. Here resides everyone you ever knew, every human who ever lived, and every story that was ever told. It’s where our journey begins. But as we zoom out beyond our atmosphere, past the moon, beyond the familiar planets and the sun… We embark on an epic quest—a quest to grasp the true scale of our universe. The First Marker: The Moon As we leave Earth’s embrace, the first marker on our cosmic journey is the moon, about 384,000 kilometers away. This distance is so vast that if you were to drive a car at a

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Dark Matter

The Dark Matter Mystery

Introduction: Space has always fascinated me with its unsolved mysteries and unanswered questions. Despite our significant advancements in understanding the universe, there’s still so much we don’t know. One of the biggest enigmas is dark matter, a concept deeply intertwined with the force of gravity that has puzzled scientists for centuries. I first encountered the concept of dark matter through various science videos and books. From the intriguing theories presented by Vsauce to the detailed explanations in science documentaries, I found myself thinking about this cosmic mystery a lot. Dark matter is a substantial missing piece in our understanding of gravity and the universe’s structure, yet it remains unseen and

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What’s The Brightest Thing In The Universe?

This symbol, commonly called the Yin Yang symbol, it is a Taijitu meaning diagram of the supreme ultimate. The principle of Yin and Yang, opposites that exist in harmony, is associated with ancient Chinese philosophy. But the first use of this iconography, the classical symbol, actually comes from a shield pattern used by the ancient Romans seven hundred years before its first known use in China. A connection between the two has not yet been found. Regardless of who came up with it first, the symbol was a bright idea. But today we are going to talk about something way more bright than that. We will discuss “The brightest object

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Speeding Stars

I have always admired the night sky, especially on a hot summer night when the sky reveals its most beautiful face adorned with the infinite dots of gentle illumination that light up the sky. That is the “star.” No matter how old, millions or billions of years, they are all born in nebulae, the clouds of dust, and mostly hydrogen gas. Looking at the sky, have you ever wondered if they ever move? We’ve all learned that the stars rise and set each night, but that’s just Earth’s rotation. The star never moved. What about actual movement across the vast canvas of space? Despite appearances, stars are constantly on the

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earth is moving through Space and Time journey of Space and Time beyond earth

Journey Through Space and Time

We all love time-lapse videos of the stars moving across the sky, but really, we are the ones who are tumbling through the universe on a giant wet rock vehicle called Earth, with a windshield called the sky. As viewed from above the North Pole, we spin counterclockwise; west chases east. I always remember this by thinking of the US as a weird-maned animal with Texas and Florida legs running forward. But we don’t just spin, we also revolve around the Sun on a plane tilted 23.4 degrees relative to our spin. It’s kind of nauseating at this scale. But from this perspective, we can see that the Sun rising

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How Does Earth Actually Move? 

If asked, most of us will agree that the earth moves in two ways:   1. On its axis (axis is an imaginary line that goes through the North and South Poles). 2. Around the sun.   But before we can say that, we need to raise the question: how do we even measure this movement? If we need to measure anything’s true movement, we need to have a relative point. So depending on where we observe the movement from, Earth moves differently. To understand this better, think if you were in a bus and you are moving in a circle inside the bus. Depending on how someone looks, you

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