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Why we need artificial wombs

There are many talks about artificial wombs and why it’s bad for our world and the bad effects that could ruin our society. But today I want to talk about it from a different perspective. I want to talk about why we need artificial womb research long before the whole “artificial womb” thing. Artificial womb research is crucial in the near term to SUPPORT pregnancy. There are 3 big reasons why we really need more artificial womb research. Help premature babies survive: We have taken enormous strides to help premature babies survive. A full-term pregnancy is between 37 to 42 weeks, but when a baby is born before 30 weeks,

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Artificial Womb, why we need Artificial Womb

Artificial Womb

Artificial wombs are getting more and more attention over the years. People want to know if it’s even possible to use an artificial womb and if yes then should you use it or not? Is it safe and also is it alright to use one? So, to understand and answer all these questions we first need to know what an artificial womb is and how it actually works.  What is an artificial womb?  Even if an artificial womp sounds so new the technology behind it has been there for a long time.   We have been able to grow human embryos (the early developmental stage of an animal) since the 1970s.

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We’ve all experienced those moments at some point in our lives: offering a handshake while the other person offers a fist bump, forgetting someone’s name when they clearly know yours, not having anything to say and realizing you left your phone at home so you can’t be distracted by it, getting caught staring at a stranger, starting a conversation with someone you don’t know in a bathroom, someone oversharing and telling a group too much information, overhearing a couple breaking up, noticing food in someone’s teeth but not telling them, and now it’s been too long and bringing it up would be weird. This emotion is what we know as

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25 Most Useless Yet Interesting Facts Of Science

Do you like to know Science facts that are unusual and it’s fun? A conversion starter. Then these 25 facts are just for you and they will not only blow your mind but also you can use them to start your conversion with anyone anytime.Our team spent 100s of hours to find the best 25 facts that are guaranteed you will love.So, Let’s begin.

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What’s The Brightest Thing In The Universe?

This symbol, commonly called the Yin Yang symbol, it is a Taijitu meaning diagram of the supreme ultimate. The principle of Yin and Yang, opposites that exist in harmony, is associated with ancient Chinese philosophy. But the first use of this iconography, the classical symbol, actually comes from a shield pattern used by the ancient Romans seven hundred years before its first known use in China. A connection between the two has not yet been found. Regardless of who came up with it first, the symbol was a bright idea. But today we are going to talk about something way more bright than that. We will discuss “The brightest object

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How Hot Can It Get?

So, Yesterday I was having my tea and that was pretty hot, it burned my tongue and that gave me a thought. Even though my tea was pretty hot but it’s not the hottest thing in the universe. So, what do I mean? We know there is an absolute zero(-273°C). That is the coldest we can get. It is the coldest because we can’t get anything to cool down more than that. At -273°C, theoretically at least it will be so cold that an atom will disappear from existence but is there a point of absolute heat as well? At which point something is so hot that it can’t get

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