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Fahrenheit vs. Celsius: Which Scale Rules the Weather?

Fahrenheit vs. Celsius

So, the other day, the Celsius/Fahrenheit debate reemerged on my Twitter timeline, hitting all the usual beats. As someone who has been firmly team Celsius all these years (yes, I’m Canadian), I sometimes wonder: is Fahrenheit actually better? I think the problem is that I’m really bad at guessing the weather. This is the hottest […]

CARBS Explained: The Science Behind Our Food

Plant absorbing sunlight for photosynthesis

Photosynthesis for plants is a little bit like if, as a human, you could just lay in the sun on a nice afternoon and create, directly in your stomach, a creamy lentil soup or a sandwich of your choice. Hello everyone and welcome to The Unseen Threads! I’m Saikat, a normal guy obsessed with helping […]

The Fascinating Rhythm of Human Sleep and Earth’s Light

Global sleep cycle Earth's light and dark Brightest day Darkest day Sleep patterns across the globe Water hemisphere Human sleep rhythm Earth's rotation UTC time Daytime and nighttime Interconnectedness of the world Natural cycles Planet Earth Sleep and wakefulness Global time zones

The Global Sleep Cycle It’s 3:00 in the afternoon here in Los Angeles, and you know what that means—Big Sleep time. Right now, most humans living on planet Earth are asleep. It’s the crack of dawn in China, and it’s midnight in Paris. As much as 70%, maybe even 80%, of the humans alive on […]

Hacks to Increase Your Attention Span

Hacks to Increase Your Attention

I have been trying to increase my attention span for a long time. And now I have some level of control of it. So, today, we’re going to go over the Golden mindset and eight tips to increase your attention span for good. Let’s dive in! Improving your attention span is crucial. Studies show that […]

The Intricacies of Time: Unraveling the Enigma

TIme and space is a unknown thing

Lexicographers will tell you that “time” is the most used noun in the English language. It’s woven into our daily conversations, yet its nature remains a profound mystery. We use time effortlessly: “Meet me at 7 p.m.” is a common phrase that sparks no confusion. Time labels events in the universe, helping us differentiate between […]

Neuralink’s First Human Trials: Breakthroughs and Challenges(Noland Arbaugh)

Neuralink's First Human Trials: Breakthroughs and Challenges(Noland Arbaugh)

Elon Musk’s brain implant company, Neuralink, has revealed new results from their first-ever human trials. We know that Neuralink’s first human test subject has already accomplished something never seen before in the world of brain-computer interface. However, the company has also encountered at least one unexpected problem that needs to be overcome. A Landmark Achievement […]

Intriguing thought experiment: The Probability of a Simultaneous Blink

intriguing thought experiment The Probability of a Simultaneous Blink

Have you ever wondered if there has ever been a moment in our history when no one was watching because every living human just happened to blink at the exact same time? This intriguing thought experiment combines the mundane act of blinking with the vastness of human population statistics. Let’s explore this idea in detail. […]

How Big is the Universe?

How Big is the Universe we embark on an epic quest—a quest to grasp the true scale of our universe.

Earth, our home planet, is a tiny blue dot floating in the immense cosmic ocean. Here resides everyone you ever knew, every human who ever lived, and every story that was ever told. It’s where our journey begins. But as we zoom out beyond our atmosphere, past the moon, beyond the familiar planets and the […]

The Hidden Stories Behind Common Names

Names often tell fascinating stories. We encounter products, places, and terms daily without questioning their origins. Here, we’ll explore the intriguing backgrounds of some commonly known names and reveal the often surprising histories behind them. German Chocolate Cake: An American Delight Despite its name, German chocolate cake is not German. Instead, it is named after […]

The Monty Hall Problem: An Intriguing Paradox of Probability

the monty hall problem explanation

Hello everyone. Today we’re going to discuss The Monty Hall Problem. But why? Why should anyone discuss The Monty Hall Problem? It has been discussed ad nauseam. There are so many articles and videos about it that are fantastic, including Kevin’s video about paradoxes on Vsauce 2. Check that one out. Does the world really […]